Church—Prepare For Persecution!

Congress is in a lame-duck session, but that won't stop Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s efforts to pass a gay marriage bill, the passage of which signals a coming attack on the church. Stand strong, Church! We must be ready to be BOLD in our faith. The need has never been greater.

The days where Christians shied away from politics outside the voting booth, hiding our light under a bushel, are over. What are the stakes? Nothing short of our right to worship God freely and obey His Word here in America. The culture wars are raging on every front, and many Christians are just now starting to wake up.

The Supreme Court decision that legalized gay marriage was met with jubilation from the left and skepticism from the right. We were promised that Christians would not be prosecuted or targeted, but countless lawsuits against Christian bakers, photographers, and more, told a different story: bend the knee or face the harsh consequences. The democrats’ new attempt to codify gay marriage into federal law awaits its fate in the Senate. This will assuredly unleash a new wave of attacks on Believers and Bible-preaching churches across America. We must fight back.

When the Democrats say that new federal gay rights legislation will not target Christians, how could we ever believe them? The truth is that we cannot and will not. The left claims that tolerance is their highest value. Their actions tell a different story. BIBLICAL TRUTH, however, is the highest moral standard. We fight with this truth on our side. When you only believe in tolerance, there is no end to what must be tolerated. The gay rights movement is the classic example of this. They have weaponized “tolerance” to the 2022 definition as demanded compliance and even celebration of their ideology.

Just a few years ago, the definition of marriage as one man and one woman was nearly unanimous among democrats and republicans. The-so called “hospital visitation rights” was the most common argument for legalizing gay marriage. Fast forward to today, and we now have a democratic party demanding drag queens have access to children, the enablement of made-up pronouns as commonplace, and the demonization of any Church whose teaching contradicts their own. What are the consequences of all this?

They have set their sights on targeting the church. The LGBTQIA+ (you get all that?) movement is sweeping up territory in the culture war, nearly unchallenged for the last few years. The fear of being labeled some manner of “phobic” has trumped people’s willingness to challenge what is an out-of-control agenda that will once again set their sights on the Church.

At a recent “Let Us Worship” event in Boulder, Colorado, LGTBQIA+ activists joined forces with Antifa to attack our peaceful Christian worship event…on PRIVATE church property! In the presence of thousands of peaceful Christian’s worshiping, and many children, they marched around the event with the most vulgar and sexually explicit signs while shouting and screaming profanities, and blowing sirens and bullhorns.

Their goal was intimidation, fear, and disruption. And what was our crime? Our faith in the word of God as the moral authority of the day. They messed with the wrong church service this time though. We refused to be intimidated. We outlasted them, and stood strong in our worship and devotion to God. Frustrated that we refused to acknowledge them or stop our planned worship service, they eventually left. Boldness and courage won the day.

This episode was an early indicator that persecution against the church is coming. The left wants to bury anyone who tries to stand up to their woke and sexualized agenda. Regardless of the outcome in Congress, our calling as Believers does not change. We must be stand firm on the truth of the Gospel and be BOLD in proclaiming that truth.


We're Taking the Kingdom to the Capitol


It's 10 am. Do you know what your children are learning?