It's 10 am. Do you know what your children are learning?

It wasn’t that long ago that society held parents responsible for their children, and encouraged that accountability. The media even supported it. For years, nightly news segments were led by a PSA prompt like, “It's 10 pm. Do you know where your children are?”

For 2022, we need a new PSA — “It's 10 am. Do you know what your children are learning?”

I believe that we as parents, regardless of political affiliation, should be involved in our children's education. Sadly, some parents have become very apathetic. But as we have seen in the last year, many of us are not. 

Parents who questioned what our children are being taught were investigated as terrorists by Joe Biden’s justice department. To the left, parental involvement is an existential threat, one they won't cede without a fight. We know this because they’ve said so, over and over again.

Last year there was a change in the conversation, which started in Virginia, a place Joe Biden carried easily in 2020, and where Terry McAuliffe cruised to victory in 2013. Parents across the political spectrum made it known that they had a problem with what their children were being taught. The “woke” agenda of Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology were rejected by parents across the commonwealth. I mean, who wants their second grader to come home feeling bad because they were born white? Who wants transgenderism taught to their kindergartener?

Running for another term last year, McAuliffe said aloud what the left thinks in private: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Parents took note, and McAuliffe was soundly defeated. 

Last week, the conversation around parental rights took a dark turn when the president of America's largest teachers union likened parental rights legislation to “propaganda,” “misinformation,” and said, “This is the way in which wars start.” Why does the left feel so threatened by parental accountability?

But before we keep going, we should get down to the basics. What even is a parent? The left has a tough time defining a woman — the definition is beyond the scope of our next Supreme Court justice,  and now it seems the left is confused about what a parent is. 

Speaking at the White House, Biden told a group of teachers, “You've heard me say it many times about our children, but it's true: They're all our children… They're not somebody else's children; they're like yours when they're in the classroom.”

Teachers are not parents, and children are not a shared responsibility with teachers or the government. We as parents have actual God-given authority. WE are responsible for our children, and WE are charged with raising them, guarding them, protecting them, and instilling values and morals into them. History teachers are responsible for teaching history, science teachers are responsible for teaching science, math teachers are responsible for teaching math. 

Parents, we cannot back down. Today, it’s education, but the battle of parental rights is just getting started! We must keep the pressure on because their house of cards is crumbling. We must continue to fight for transparency, accountability, and parental input, and either watch them acquiesce or watch the house of cards come crashing down once and for all. 

So I ask, do YOU know what your children are learning?


Church—Prepare For Persecution!


An Open Letter to Church Leaders: Believers are being shunned, censored, and persecuted for their beliefs