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9.27.22 | Rumble
Sean Feucht on His Times Square “Let Us Worship” and the Premiere. ofHis New Film, “Superspreader.”
9.26.22 | The Atlanta Journal Constitution
Standing for the right to worship
9.26.22 | CBN
'SUPERSPREADER:' Worship Leader Sean Feucht's Documentary Hits Theaters Sept. 29
6.27.22 | South Carolina News
South Carolina abortion ban goes into effect
6.27.22 | ABC News
Supreme Court sides with coach in public school prayer case
6.28.22 | Vanity Fair
6.27.22 | Getty Images
Images from June 27th outside of the Supreme Court.
6.27.22 | UPI
Demonstrators pray outside U.S. Supreme Court, praise rulings on prayer, abortion
6.28.22 | Fox News
After fall of Roe v. Wade, Christian singer Sean Feucht celebrates ‘goodness of God’
5.16.22 | Rumble
Sean Feucht is Between Protests at Disneyworld and the Supreme Court Today and Tomorrow
4.29.22 | Rumble
Sean Feucht Talks About His Recent Disney Protests and His Thoughts on Free Speech.
4.22.22 | Christianity Daily
Sean Feucht Announces ‘Hold The Line’ Rally In Front Of Disney World In Florida
4.22.22 | Christian Post
Sean Feucht on fighting back against Disney's anti-parent LGBT activism
4.23.22 | Christian Post
Evangelist Sean Feucht takes on Disney
4.13.22 | BREITBART
Watch: Parents March on Disneyland to Protest Studio’s Woke LGBTQ+ Agenda for Children
4.11.22 | NewsMax
Christians Take Action Against a 'Woke' Disney
4.8.22 | Church Leaders
Sean Feucht Leads a Worship Rally in Front of Disney’s Headquarters; Tells ChurchLeaders ‘It’s Time for the Church To Be Bold’
4.6.22 | Faithwire
‘People Are Really Fired Up’: Christians to Protest Disney Outside Company Headquarters in California
4.6.22 | American Faith
Worship Leader and Recording Artist Sean Feucht Organizes Disney Protest in Response to Company Stance on LGBTQ Curriculum in K-3rd Classroom
3.35.22 | War Room
In Defense of Truth: Calling a Woman a Woman
02.22.2022 | CBN
WATCH: Sean Feucht Celebrates Release of New Album and 'Incredibly Prophetic' Worship Event on 2-22-22
01.08.22 | The Daily Signal
Christian Celeb Accuses HarperCollins of ‘Bowing to the Mob’ for Canceling His Book, Signs New Deal
12.28.21 | Fox News
America needs to 'seek God' amid darkness, says Christian artist Sean Feucht
12.13.21 | Fox News
Christian singer Sean Feucht launching new tour, sees 'spiritual awakening' impacting politics
1.14.2021 | Daily Wire
Worship Leader Says Harper Collins Canceled His Book Over His Political Views
12.2.2020 | Charisma News
WATCH: Mike Huckabee and Sean Feucht on 'Brazen,' 'Let Us Worship'
11.18.2020 | GodTV
Sean Feucht Charts No. 1 On iTunes Top Album With Raw, Live Worship Album, “Let Us Worship”
10.26.2020 | CBN News
'God's Moving in America': Over 35,000 Lift up Jesus in 'Let Us Worship' Rally on National Mall in DC
10.26.2020 | The Federalist
Facebook Falsely Flags Christian Worship Group As Associated With QAnon Conspiracy Theorists
10.22.2020 | Christian Post
'Let Us Worship' DC is divine timing ahead of Barrett confirmation vote
10.12.20 | Rolling Stone
Jesus Christ, Superspreader?
10.12.2020 | CBN News
'FOR JESUS!!!' Souls Saved Across America as Thousands Respond from Atlanta Warehouse to Fresno Tent Revival
10.07.2020 | CBN News
'This Is a Move of God!' Hungry Souls Climb TX Mountain, Hit Steps of Key Courthouse to Praise Jesus
09.22.2020 | CBN News
‘Explosion of the Miraculous’: Thousands Hit the Streets in FL Where Souls Were ‘Running to Get Saved’
09.14.2020 | CBN News
'Thousands Going Wild for Jesus! Unending Baptisms in Cow Troughs': Revival Reaches Huge Crowds
09.08.2020 | Fox
Seattle closing park to Christian rally amid Antifa riots is 'height of hypocrisy’
08.11.2020 | Fox
Seattle Christians confronted by knife-wielding protesters yelling obscenities at Black pastors
08.09.2020 | CBN News
‘Joy Took Over the Streets’ Christians Come Together in Portland During ‘Riots to Revival’
07.22.2020 | CBN News
'Revival Breaking Out': Thousands Choosing Christ in CA
07.16.2020 | Charisma News
'God Is Not Finished With California': Sean Feucht Takes Praise Outdoors
07.14.2020 | Fox
California beach revival attended by 1,000: ‘The church has left the building’
07.13.2020 | Fox
Hundreds protest California’s singing ban at Golden Gate Bridge: ‘Let us worship’
06.25.2020 | Fox
Hawley blasts big tech for 'censoring' Christian worship leader
03.17.2020 | AskDrBrown
Why a Worship Leader Would Run for Political Office
02.24.2020 | Fox
California worship leader running for Congress releases song ‘Raise Our Voice’ with his kids
02.05.2020 | Fox
Christian leaders react to Trump's emphasis on faith during SOTU
12.11.2019 | Fox
Pastors, worship leaders pray for Trump in Oval Office amid impeachment fight
12.09.2019 | Church Leaders
Meet the Bethel Worship Leader Running for Congress
12.09.2019 | Church Leaders
Meet the Bethel Worship Leader Running for Congress
12.09.2019 | Faith Wire
‘Worship Inside the White House’: Sean Feucht Prays Over President Trump as Christian Musicians Perform
12.06.2019 | Charisma News
WATCH: #WorshipTakeOver in the White House
12.06.2019 | CBN News
Worship Leaders Lift Jesus in White House: ‘Let This Sound Give You Great Hope for America’
12.06.2019 | CBN News
Bethel Music’s Sean Feucht Is Running For US Congress
12.06.2019 | Charisma News
WATCH: #WorshipTakeOver in the White House
10.22.2019 | Washington Examiner
Meet Sean Feucht, the long-haired conservative millennial running for Congress
10.16.2019 | Provoke and Inspire
Episode 182: Sean Feucht's Journey from Bethel Music to Running for the United States Congress.
10.08.2019 | Sean Tabatt
Episode 298: Sean Feucht – Why I’m Running for Congress [podcast]
10.05.2019 | Hallels News
Bethel Music’s Sean Feucht Is Running For US Congress
10.04.2019 | Gospel Music Association
Bethel Music’s Sean Feucht Is Running For US Congress
10.03.2019 | The Stream
Millennial Worship Leader Running for Congress
09.30.2019 | Charisma News
Why I Applaud Worship Artist Sean Feucht for Running for Congress
09.27.2019 | Charisma News
Spirit-Filled Worship Artist Sean Feucht Running for Congress
2021 Will Be a New Beginning For the Body of Christ.
By Sean Feucht
America is facing an identity crisis. And this is because the church in America is facing an identity crisis. We are torn between two beliefs. Fearlessly follow the God who redeemed us or serve the whims of our current culture.
And so goes the church, so goes the nation.
Israel faced a similar dilemma in the Old Testament. At a time when years of drought and the pressure of culture had pressed them hard, Elijah stood on Mount Carmel and challenged the people: “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.”
1 Kings 18:21
Simple. Direct. That’s the message for the church today.
We’ve been a nation locked down, divided, intimidated, pummeled, and marginalized with unrelenting narratives of fear, paranoia, and hopelessness.
We’ve endured (and are enduring) a global pandemic, historic violence, racial strife, civil unrest and economic instability. Everywhere you turn, there is more bad news.
But this is not new to the Church.
Christ promised us that if we follow Him we will face persecution. He promised us “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:10).
In my state of California, the church has been deemed non-essential by politicians who have no fear of the Lord. Godless politicians have commanded us to forsake the gathering of the saints. They have commanded us to not lift up our voices in worship. They have demanded that we give up our duties as Believers to be the hands and feet of Christ, shrink back, forgo His holy communion and hide in fear.
Too many did, and the world suffered.
Suicide rates exploded across many cities in America. Alcoholism, drug use and the abuse of prescription drugs is at levels we never thought possible in our society. Families have been separated by distance, unable to see each other from quarantine regulations and the strain of the season has sent even the strongest marriages into a tailspin.
In a time when American’s needed hope the most, and our only connection was in a distorted virtual world, Big Tech kicked into overdrive to label bible verses “offensive content” on social media platforms. This happened to me on Twitter. In fact, many of our “Let Us Worship” live worship and prayer gatherings were censored and in some cases erased all together from Facebook and instagram.
The enemy has been wreaking havoc across the land to carry out his primary job description of “killing, stealing and destroying” (John 10:10), and he has succeeded in many ways.
I believe the enemy has overplayed his hand.
God promises a fresh start. He is in the business of redemption and new beginnings. Isaiah 60:1-3 promises us:
“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you.”
We know that our battle is not against “flesh and blood” But against “powers and principalities in the spiritual realm” (Ephesians 6:12). Because this is a spiritual battle we must fight with spiritual weapons. Our greatest weapon in this spiritual battle is the place of prayer and worship.
On this National Day of Prayer, it is time for the church in America to re-discover who she is and what God is capable of doing through a church fearlessly in love with Him.
If God be God, we must follow Him, though all the world come against us.
Just like Jesus said of Peter in Matthew 16 “On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it.” We are NOT non-essential. We are not just a Christian club. We are the EKKLESIA or “ruling body government.” Our prayers carry divine authority to bind and to loose and set the captives free!
We CANNOT stop praying! We MUST NOT stop worshipping!
For 2000 years the Church has gathered, prayed and worshipped through pandemics and persecution. And I believe that is the call of today. We are emerging from this pandemic stronger and wiser.
We won’t be tricked by the world into hiding our light under a bushel. We won’t be cowered by politicians to forsake our mission to gather, pray, and worship the God who saved us.
We have been silent too long. Let us commit right now, right here in Corpus Christi, a city named after the Body of Christ, that 2021 will be a new beginning for the Body of Christ.
We will be a bold church unafraid to serve God in a hostile culture.
Today, let's remember our identity as the church that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against.
Let's shake off the influence of those that would have us shrink back and stay silent.
Let's step into our God-given authority in prayer.
And no matter what comes, LET US WORSHIP.